What To Do
People often contact the NAMC and ask what they should do if they suspect they might have a methamphetamine contamination problem in their property. This could be the place they are living or a property they as an investment. Likewise, in the case of a real estate agency, community housing organisation, public trustee, or government managed public housing, it could be a property they manage.
There are two options for the first step. However, it is best to contact an NAMC Testing Member organisation and discuss options. The first option might be a simple instant test. Instant kits are very affordable, and a property can be tested for less the $50. This will give you an indication if there is an actual residue problem. However, if it is not the property your living in, it can sometime be awkward going to a property and testing with tenant’s home. If that is the case, NAMC testing companies will offer to go and test the property with the property manager or liaising directly with the tenant.
Second option would be to have the property fully tested. This involves a NAMC Testing Member going to the property and taking NIOSH 9111 Compliant samples from each room. These samples are sent of to a NATA Accredited laboratory. Once results come back, usually within 48 business hours, the testing company will send a full report and indicate what rooms (if any) have contamination above safe guidelines. It is important to note that if you decide to use Instant Testing, you will still need to undertake laboratory testing if the instant tests indicate the presence of Methamphetamine.
Step Two
If the tests show no methamphetamine residue above safe guidelines, that’s it. No further action and you can relax knowing that your property is safe. However, if the laboratory results indicate methamphetamine contamination above safe guidelines you will need to have the property remediated. Contact an NAMC Decontamination Member. They will ask for a copy of the report and from that they can develop a quote, and Remediation Action Plan, and be able to discuss what is required.
Step three. Once the property has been remediated the testing company will come back and validate the remediation to ensure that the property is safe to occupy. If methamphetamine residue above safe levels is still present, the decontamination company will return and remediate the property again, at no additional charge. It is relatively common for properties to need two or three remediations.
Once it has been cleared, the remediation company will issue a clearance certificate. All done.